Dog Training: The Complete Guide to Raising the Perfect Dog
There’s a lot we can learn from dogs, from how to improve our sense of smell to how to be empathic.
But the learning curve extends even further to how we approach our children. Dogs and kids, it turns out, are surprisingly similar creatures. “Researchers have shown that dogs hijack our oxytocin loop that is normally reserved for our babies,” says Brian Hare, associate professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University, and CEO of Dognition, a service that assesses dogs’ unique personalities. “Just by looking at us, dogs and babies give us a boost in oxytocin, and they get one, too. It’s an efficient way of making us want to take care of them,” he tells Quartz.
Might dog training techniques then teach us something about parenting? Strictly speaking, this should work for human children up to age two to two-and-a-half, though so-called “super dogs” have mental abilities akin to a three-year-olds, says Stanley Coren, a professor emeritus of psychology at University of British Columbia and author of The Intelligence of Dogs.
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Dog Training Tips
If you've been searching for easy to follow dog training tips to work on training with your dog this is the page meant for you. We've added quite a few articles written in a way we hope is easy to follow. And, we're adding new articles as quickly as possible so if you don' find a solution to your dog training challenge now, check back again soon or grab our RSS feed to be notified as new content is published!
We'll keep this page simple and provide a brief summary of each training how-to with a link that will bring you to that article. Also, we've included a list of all of our dog training tips in the right column under the "Additional Dog Training Tips" heading.
Puppy Training Guide
So you have a new puppy or dog that you want to get training off to the best start? Or maybe you have had a dog for a while, and you want to improve their manners, or train new tricks. In either case, it is important – for both you and your dog – that you go about dog training in the right way. Sometimes training can be frustrating, and it can even do more harm than good if done wrong. So here we have put together (an on-going) dog training guide, to get the most out of your relationship with your dog. In this first part, we will run over the basics of dog training. These are the fundamental “rules” to abide by to make training fun and effective!
Dog Training Techniques
There are many people who can’t imagine life without their precious furry friends; however, they are also aware that dogs should be guided since they are puppies in order to make them well-mannered and safe. That is why you should know some dog training techniques in order to make your dog behave well around other people and animals. It is normal for dogs to bark, growl, chew and run around playfully, but you must teach them how and when this behavior can be proper.
Otherwise, your dog can make your life or the lives of others difficult; he can also put himself in danger.
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Puppy Training Biting
Are you struggling with how to stop a puppy from biting? Are you wondering why do puppies bite? Puppy biting can be a result of teething issues. But can also sometimes be accompanied by growling and tugging.
Puppies naturally bite each other during play. So it makes sense that he would also do this to you. Although he is not actually trying to hurt you!
Most puppies grow out of biting. But there are ways to train and physically prevent it, if your puppy does not seem to be changing.
Dog Training Videos
Are you having difficulties getting your dog to behave? Dogs can be a real handful especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Fortunately, YouTube has plenty of dog training videos to help out. So, whether your dog won’t stop going to the bathroom in the house, are constantly barking, or keep jumping up on people, these effective training videos show you ways to stop these irritating behaviors. You can also learn to teach your dog some cool tricks to impress your friends at the next dinner party. So, grab your dog treats, here are the Top 19 Best Dog Training Videos.
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Dog Training Guide
The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Dog Training is full of tips, tricks and insights for dog owners looking to improve their dogs behavior. Whether you are reading this as a first time puppy owner, have a 1-3 year old dog who’s still full of tons of energy, or you’ve got an older dog who still doesn’t behave the way you want him to, then this Guide is for you.
Reading it now, will give you the foundation for understanding what it takes to have your dog obeying you and your household rules as fast as possible.
What is Dog Training?
Dog training is the term used to described the behavior modification process for getting dogs to obey in many situations such as understanding and obeying commands when told, regulating over impulsive behaviors like (jumping up, chasing cats or guarding food) and at the highest level includes teaching dogs how to work for the love of work (like to heard sheep, sniff for explosives, or track lost people in the wilderness).
Here we believe that for dog training to be as successful as possible, we should follow a process similar to the one expert parents use with their children; where they go through a process of:
First teaching them how to control inappropriate emotional outbursts
Second Teaching them to follow and obey rules (when around authority)
Third teach them to behave well even when NO authority is around
If you’ve never trained a dog before it may feel overwhelming to think about having to train your dog all three of these things, when maybe you just want to stop your dog from barking at the door bell, and not all the other stuff.
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How To Train A Puppy To Sit
Get a treat, like a tiny bit of raw beef, liver or other organ meat.. a tiny morsel of hot dog or bologna also works. Squat down in front of puppy and say "sit", while your hand holding the morsel is about five inches above his head, about 1 inch in front of puppy. Move the treat hand back toward pups tail if he doesn't immediately sit.
Puppy will follow your hand and will plunk his bottom down in order to see the morsel. If he rears up on his hind legs, bring your hand down in front more. Once the puppy sits, give the treat as a reward and praise puppy excessively like he just discovered plutonium. Repeat two or three times, then quit before the puppy burns out or fills up.
Repeat about four hours later (the whole thing: squat, etc). Then, when he's got it, stand up and ask again. While standing say "Sit," bringing your hand (holding the treat) up to your chest. Puppy will follow your hand and plunk his bottom down. Praise puppy like crazy. Repeat a few times every day.
Your dog is a genius.
You can train him to lie down in a similar fashion, bringing the treat down directly in front of his front feet while he's sitting.
Advantages of Obedience Training PDF
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